United States Census Materials Available In 59 Non-English Languages

United States Census Materials Available In 59 Non-English Languages

The 2020 United States Census announced that its Internet Self-Response Instrument and questionnaire assistance will be available in 12 non-English languages and, in addition, that its language guides, language glossaries, and language identification cards will be available in a whopping 59 non-English languages.

ProEnglish believes that there are 5 key reasons to oppose census materials in 59 non-English languages, similar to the reasons to oppose multilingual ballots and election materials: (1) there is no justification for the need to produce census materials in 59 non-English languages; (2) it is arbitrary and wasteful to produce census materials in 59 non-English languages; (3) census materials produced in 59 non-English languages are a very costly and growing burden on U.S. taxpayers; (4) census materials produced in 59 non-English languages are a very costly and growing burden on the federal government; and (5) census materials produced in 59 non-English languages do not decrease the likelihood of errors and fraud.