Meet the Staff

Stephen D. Guschov, Esq., Executive Director of ProEnglish
Stephen most recently was the Executive Director of Legal Immigrants For America, a non-profit, pro-legal immigration advocacy organization based in the Orlando, Florida, area, and prior to that he served as the Director of Engagement of Liberty Counsel, a non-profit, religious liberty and constitutional law firm, also based in the Orlando, Florida, area.
Stephen has a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Boston University and a Juris Doctor from Suffolk University Law School. He is licensed to practice law before the Supreme Court of the United States.
Stephen is the author of five books, two screenplays, and numerous articles. His books include: The Christian And Immigration (2017); The Bible And Immigration (2016); and, The Red Stockings Of Cincinnati (1998).


Dan L. Carter, Director of Government Relations

Dan has extensive experience in governmental relations,  including other nonprofits, and as a Special Assistant for  Public Liaison to Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao during the George W. Bush Administration.

Dan is a graduate of Georgia Southwestern State  University, where he holds a BA in History, and a M. Ed in  History.  He is married to the former  Brenda Davis, and  the Carters have three children and seven grandchildren.

Dan is responsible for advancing the goals of ProEnglish  on Capitol Hill, and among state and local governments.
