Michigan Poll Shows 73% Favor English As Official State Language

Michigan Poll Shows 73% Favor English As Official State Language

A recent Michigan statewide poll conducted by EPIC-MRA on behalf of ProEnglish showed that 73% favored a bill currently in the state legislature that would designate English as the official state language.

The statewide poll of 600 Michiganders was conducted April 28-30, 2018, and all 600 people polled were active and likely voters in the November 2018 mid-term election, and what makes the poll especially timely is that it comes as the Michigan legislature looks to pass H.B. 4053, which would make English the official language of government in Michigan, and which would also make Michigan the 33rd state in the nation to pass such legislation.

Respondents initially were asked a general question about whether they favored or opposed a law designating English as the official state language of governmental operations in Michigan.

71% favored and 17% opposed.

Respondents then were told about some of the specific provisions of the proposed law, such as how the bill requires English to be the principal language used for public records, meetings subject to the state’s open meetings act, and official functions and acts of a public body that are enforceable, but that the bill’s provisions would not be applied if they would deny any person’s rights under the State or U.S. Constitution, or if they are in conflict with other state or federal laws, and additionally would not apply to foreign language instruction, instruction designed to aid students with limited English language skills, to promote commerce, tourism, sporting and cultural events, or if the public safety, health, or justice required the use of languages other than English.

After hearing more about the provisions of the bill, respondents then were asked once again if they favored or opposed the bill currently in the state legislature designating English as the official language in Michigan.

Support for the official English bill in Michigan jumped to 73% in favor and 17% opposed.

ProEnglish is heartened by the overwhelming support for official English legislation in Michigan, and we further urge the Michigan Senate to follow the lead of the Michigan House and pass H.B. 4053 as quickly as possible to make English the official language of state government – just as an overwhelming majority of Michiganders want, according to these recent poll results.